The Rise of the Golden Idol, detective sequel to The Case of the Golden Idol, is releasing on mobile soon

The Rise of the Golden Idol, detective sequel to The Case of the Golden Idol, is releasing on mobile soonThe Rise of the Golden Idol, the highly anticipated sequel to The Case of the Golden Idol, is finally launching on PC, console, and mobile, and it’s sooner than you think. This sequel carries forward the award-winning detective series, challenging you to dive deep into mysteries filled with intrigue, deception, and murder. 

Set in the 1970s, The Rise of the Golden Idol introduces 20 complex cases where you’ll investigate crime scenes, gather evidence, and unravel conspiracies that all tie back to the elusive Golden Idol. If you enjoyed the original, you’ll find that the sequel builds on the same core mechanics, with some enhancements aimed at streamlining the experience.  … [MORE]

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October 13, 20243:01 am

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