Pokémon Go currently testing exciting new Pokémon Playgrounds feature

Pokémon Go currently testing exciting new Pokémon Playgrounds featurePokémon Go has been going strong for a good few years now. Niantic’s flagship title, emblazoned with the logo for one of the most popular franchises out there, maintains its position as arguably the biggest and most successful AR release there has been. But even with consistent content updates, it feels like it’s been a long while since we had something that truly changes up Pokémon Go at its core, until now.

Niantic have quietly begun testing a brand new feature for Pokémon Go, in the form of Pokémon Playgrounds. By leaving your Pokémon at real-world locations, other players will be able to check in and take snapshots of them playing around with fellow Pokémon and just generally relaxing. … [MORE]

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November 17, 20243:04 am

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