Airoheart is a quirky Zelda-like coming to iOS and Android at the end of the month

Airoheart is a quirky Zelda-like coming to iOS and Android at the end of the monthThe world of retro RPGs seems to be firmly planted in the JRPG genre at the minute, what with Kemco’s continuous output of new releases, with the only real diversification being the occasional roguelike dungeon crawler. But those looking for an experience closer to the old days of the SNES and the famous Zelda franchise need look no further, as the quirky little adventurer Airoheart is set to hit storefronts on November 29th!

And no, I don’t say Zelda-like lightly, as this is an RPG that very much wears its inspiration on its sleeve. Not that this is a bad thing, mind you, as with its gorgeously rendered pixel graphics, quick-paced gameplay and familiar top-down exploration, this is sure to satisfy anyone craving a throwback to old-school adventurers. … [MORE]

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November 24, 20243:03 am

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