Pokemon Sleep is giving away 1.5-year anniversary gifts for sleepy researchers until April

Pokemon Sleep is giving away 1.5-year anniversary gifts for sleepy researchers until AprilAnd just like that, Pokemon Sleep has now been out for a year and a half! It’s commendable how something that seemed so odd at first has still somehow found its market, and it’s now celebrating its 1.5th anniversary.

Of course, anniversaries mean goodies for players as a special thank-you for all the love and support, and Pokemon Sleep definitely isn’t sleeping on it, it seems. All Researchers will receive Sleep points ×1,000 and Poké Biscuit ×5 for all your hard work doing sleep research, along with Friend Incense ×2 and Handy Candy S ×10. This means you can get some more zzz’s with Snorlax and the gang and expect goodies in return. … [MORE]

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January 26, 20253:06 am

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